Who we are. . .
We are the New Jersey Shore Chapter of the Harley Owners Group (HOG Chapter #3789), also know as JSHOG. We are a group of nearly 200 Harley Davidson motorcycle enthusiasts who are bound by our love of the ride and a commitment to serve our community. We meet the second Tuesday of each month (except December) at 7:00 PM at Shoreline Harley Davidson in Long Branch New Jersey. Join us at our next meeting.
We're all about the ride. . .
Since its inception, JSHOG has been organizing and leading single-day and overnight group rides in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, New England and beyond. Our Road Captains carefully plan each route, ride the route prior to the event to check road conditions, and brief all riders prior to starting the ride.
We also ride to raise funds to support certain charitable organizations in our community. We've also been know to throw a party or two, picnics or even attend a rodeo.
Come out and join us for a ride as a guest or attend a monthly meeting to learn more about JSHOG. You can see our upcoming rides, events and meetings on our Ride and Events page. Or hit up the link below to learn how to become a member of JSHOG. Hope to see you soon!