Captain Name: Kevin Wohlert
Sweep Name: TBD
Trip Destination or Event Website: Fred's Breakfast
Ride Details
Join us for a Saturday morning ride to Buck's County, PA. We'll be having breakfast at the very exclusive, members-only Fred's Breakfast in New Hope. Then we'll cruise thorugh Washington Crossing State Park and stop at Bowman's HIll Tower.
The Hotline is no more. Sign up for text message alerts for late breaking event news and cancellations. It's FREE. SIGN UP HERE.
NOTE: Two Departure Time/Location Options 6:30 AM at Wall WaWa (map) OR 7:00 AM at Jackson WaWa (map) The group meeting at Wall WaWa will ride to pickup the group meeting at Jackson WaWa. Always arrive 15 minutes early (with a full tank and an empty bladder) for the pre-ride briefing and sign-up.
Approximate Mileage: 60 miles to destination
Types of Roads: Highway and rural
Any fees for admission, parking, etc:
EZ-Pass Recommended?: No
Additional information:
Meal Information
Meal break (Name and description): Fred's Breakfast, New Hope, PA (website)
Cost if fixed price: Menu
This is a Closed Event. Chapter activities are conducted primarily for the benefit of H.O.G. Chapter members. There are two types of activities:
- Closed Events are those events open to Chapter members and one guest per member. Non-members considering joining the Chapter may ride as a guest of another member.
- Open Events are those Chapter events to open to Chapter members, National H.O.G. members and other guests as desired.